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Supporting the Gearing Commander Web Site

If you appreciate this site, you can help keep it alive and support it by making a small donation.

Of course every donation big or small is appreciated and if your donation matches one of these categories we will thank you for it with the corresponding document-credits as a 'Thank-You' gift as shown below:

You can use this link to convert your currency to US dollars. Below the various document categories in my manuals  library are listed and also how many points each category represents. You can choose manuals in any combination2 of categories and bikes up to the total number of points your donation.

    Document Category File Type Points
    Tech Specs gif, jpg or png 2
    Brochure pdf 2
    Parts Manual pdf 3
    Press Release pdf 3
    Owner's Manual pdf 5
    Service Manual pdf 10
    Service Manual CD/DVD iso 20

Official PayPal SealYou can make a secure online donation using your Debit Card, your Credit Card or PayPal account.  To be taken to the correct Paypal page, select your country or 'International $' or 'International €' when not listed, specify for which bike you would like to receive which manual(s) and click the 'Donate with Paypal' button. You will be taken to a secure PayPal page where you can complete the donation. 

You can either use your PayPal account to login to PayPal or if you do not have a PayPal account, you can use your Debit or Credit card.  In that case click 'Pay with Debit or Credit card' on the Paypal login page and fill out the debit or credit card details in that Paypal page.

Select Country/Currency   Mention3 Bike Model Year & Manuals you would like to receive

Click Logo to go to Paypal page >  

How to make a Secure Donation             More Info on Manuals as Thank-You gift             US$ Currency Converter

As many people use a separate e-mail address for their PayPal account, please remember to check that mailbox for my response to your donation. To receive my reply on your 'regular' mail address as well, please specify it in the 'Bike-Model-Year and Manuals field above.

1) You can request  electronic manuals (PDF files) from GC database entered bikes only, unless your checked with me first about available manuals for unlisted bikes. The information I have available varies from an owners manual, a service manual, parts manuals, press releases, technical specifications,  just parts of these or nothing at all for 'Not Verified' bikes. Please check the 'Versions / History' menu option or use the home-page button 'Bike Info' to find out what I used to verify the entered gearing data.  Please be aware that not all manuals are available in English. Though about 90% are in English. Some of them are in Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian or even Japanese. Also some Service Manuals are actually Clymer, Haynes or similar manuals which can be used to service the bike.  If you want to be sure I do have the manual you want, please contact me before donating. The PDF-manuals will be made available for download or will be e-mailed to you.

2) You can request documents in any combination up to the total amount of document-credits (points) of your donation. The documents do not have to be for the same bike model or brand.

3) If you need more space to specify your wishes, after donating please use the contact form and let me know your request in more detail. Please make sure to mention our Donation Transaction Id which you receive in our 'Thanks for Donating!' mail.

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