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Owner's or Service Manuals as donation Thank-You gift

For every bike added to the Gearing Commander database I try to verify the gearing data using either an owners manual, a service manual, a technical specs sheet or an official factory press release. So for every bike in the GC database I started an Internet search for such a document. Sometime these are very easy to find but sometimes it takes hours to find reliable information.

This way I gathered a quite extensive amount of (mostly pdf) service- and owner's manuals which I do not want to keep to myself. However as it took hundreds of hours searching the internet and the same for building and maintaining this web site, these manuals are made available to Gearing Commander site supporters as a Thank-You gift.

On the menu 'Versions / History' page you can see what was used to verify the data of each bike. Also on the Home-page you can check what was used to verify the data of a selected bike by clicking the 'Bike Info-button'. I So if that says 'Xxxxx Owners manual' or Xxxxx Service manual' or 'Xxxxx Tech Specs' you can assume that I have that document as PDF-file. Please be aware that not all manuals are in English!  Though about 95% are. Others are in Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Russian or even Japanese.
Also some Service Manuals are actually Clymer, Haynes or similar manuals which can be used to service the bike. 

Of course every donation big or small is appreciated but to be eligible for 1 or more manuals, the donation categories and their related document-credits are as shown below.

Below all document categories in my library are listed and also how many points each document in that category represents. You can choose documents in any combination of categories up to the total number of credits (points) of your donation as shown above.

    Document Category File Type Points
    Tech Specs gif, jpg or png 2
    Brochure pdf 2
    Parts Manual pdf 3
    Press Release pdf 3
    Owner's Manual pdf 5
    Service Manual pdf 10
    Service Manual CD iso 20

You can of course contact me before donating to inquire which manual(s) I have available for the bike(s) you are interested in. As I have many more manuals as there are bikes in the database, you can also ask me about manuals I may have for bikes that are not listed yet.

When donating you can specify which manuals you would like to receive as a thank-you gift on the Donation page in the 'Donation Comment' field. If available I will either mail duocument(s) to you or make it (them) available for download. If not available I will contact you about chosing another manual and will send a list of manuals I do have. See (popup) example mail containing list of available manuals.

You can use this link to convert your currency to US-$.                        Go to the DONATION PAGE

What happened to the offline GC Stand Alone Version as a Thank You gift?

As of version 5.0 (January 2008) up to version 6.4 (January 2015) site supporters were rewarded with access to the install page of the Stand Alone Gearing Commander. The Stand Alone GC can be used without an internet connection, for instance on a race track. It used some Google technology called 'Google Gears' which was deprecated in November 2011 which caused the GC SA only to be available for Windows users which had to use an old browser version of FireFox (3.6.28)  or Internet Explorer 8. Several reasons caused me to stop providing access to new installations of the GC SA:

  • Not available for Linux or iOs users

  • Installation of a second, outdated and unsecure browser was necessary

  • Very Complicated installation procedure

  • Internet connections nowadays are largely available hence no more need for Stand Alone versions

So no new site supporters will get access to the SA version but all current site supporters still have access to the install pages and can if needed reinstall their SA version.  Development of the SA version had already stopped after version 6.2 but the database of the SA version will be updated until December 2015. As of 2016 the SA database will no longer be updated. All installations will keep functioning OK though. As of July 1st 2016 I will revoke all access to the install pages for current site supporters. Current site supports have been informed of these changes by mail. If you did not receive my mail, please contact me as you probably changed your mail address.

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