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New Version Alert

You can receive an E-mail alert whenever a new version of the Gearing Commander is released. This is every time the database is updated with one or more new bikes or the Gearing Commander program itself has been updated.

All you need to do is select 'Yes, I want to receive ...'. and submit your E-mail address below.
Yes, I want to receive an E-mail every time the Gearing Commander version is updated !

 If you want your E-mail address removed from the mailing list, select 'No, I no longer want to receive....'
 and submit the E-mail-address you used to subscribe.
No, I no longer want to receive an E-mail every time the Gearing Commander version is updated !

Your E-mail address: 

                  After sending the request, you will receive an e-mail containing a confirmation link.
                                     You must click the link in that mail to complete your request !

    Check your Inbox (and Spam) for mail called "Your Gearing Commander Mailing List confirmation link"


Currently the following E-mail domain(s) do not accept1 mail from Gearing Commander:

        1) E-mail from Gearing Commander to these domains are undeliverable as they are being marked as spam. Despite several unblocking
          requests, these addresses keep being blocked by their provider. So please use an e-mail address from a domain not listed above.
          If you used  to receive mails from us on these domains and now don't, please re-subscribe using another address.

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